Medical Information Disclaimer

As a visitor to this web site you acknowledge and agree that none of the information provided through the web site or any of its products constitutes medical or any other type of professional advice nor is it intended to substitute for seeking the advice of a doctor or other health care provider or medical care. All of the information provided on the web site is for general informational purposes only.  Just as with any treatment program, before you use any of the information on this web site, you should meet with your doctor to discuss your plans, how they fit with your personal situation, and whether they should be implemented.  On an ongoing basis, you should not stop taking your medications, decrease or increase its dosage without a consultation with your health care provider and you should seek immediate medical attention if you have any symptoms or adverse reaction to anything that you do.  For these reasons, you agree Life Improof (and any third party providing content or tools on the web site) is not responsible for any results that might occur from your use of the information contained in the web site or accessible from the web site.